Yoga Classes Training in Tirunelveli

Yoga Class in Tirunelveli

⚡Also known as Lord of the Fishes Pose, is a seated yoga posture that involves twisting the torso while keeping the spine erect.
It will be taught even when you come Home
Online classes are Conducted
Training for Girls for Girls…
 in Tirunelveli
🌹 Best yoga center
🌹 Imayam yoga center in Tirunelveli
🌹 Yoga for Your Better Life
🌹yoga coaching center
⚡⚡ Imayam Yoga ⚡⚡
Town, Tirunelveli
For more details
V. Maharajan D.Y.Sc.Ed., B.Sc., PGDYN, M.Sc(yoga) B.Lit.(Tamil)

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